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Showing posts from April, 2019

Importance of Antenatal Care

Are you pregnant for the first time? If so, are you making sure that you and your baby are healthy? The importance of pre-natal care cannot be understood because it can detect abnormalities and preventable diseases in mother and child . Expectant parents who have questions surrounding pregnancy should consider joining an antenatal class because of the support, health advice and guidance on offer. Looking consultation visit Best Gynecologist in Jaipur . Good antenatal care includes regular screening which can detect and prevent early complications such as hypertension and pregnancy diabetes etc. Prenatal vitamins play a big part in the health of your child. Even with a healthy diet, you will need supplements due to the additional hard work your body is doing. Poor nutrition can cause tiredness, weakness, difficulty in fighting infections and other serious health problems. Poor nutrition during pregnancy is especially dangerous. Antenatal care is the care given to pregnant women i